Operation Sock Monkey

Humor and laughter is often thought to be a part of the healing process.  Whether one be healing from a life threatening disease, loss of a loved one, or just a really tough day, laughter is shown to be one of the greatest gifts.  For those affected by disease, political turmoil, or disaster in developing countries organizations like Clowns Without Borders step in providing laughter and love to those who may be suffering.

Sock Monkeys have been around for as long as I can remember and have grown in popularity since the 1950’s.  Lately, they have been popping up everywhere.  Imagine if a loved one showed up with a Sock Monkey for you when you were sick, or after a long day at work or school.  Now consider this on a global scale.  What if you could send a Sock Monkey to those in need during their times of great stress?  Enter Operation Sock Monkey.

Operation Sock Money supports organizations like Clowns Without Borders, providing Sock Monkeys to people around the world affected by disease, turmoil and disaster.  Most recently, Operation Sock Money joined forces with an HIV/AIDS resource center in Kwazulu-Natal South Africa, called Woza Moya.  Woza Moya is now partnering with local artisans to make Sock Monkeys to sell in local markets, with proceeds going to crafters in the Ufafa Valley.

Do you LOVE Sock Monkeys and want to provide this loving companion to someone in need?  Here are a few ways you can help!

DONATE: You can donate your gently used or new Sock Monkey to Operation Sock Monkey, who will in turn send it on to another in need.

ADOPT: Purchase a Sock Monkey and proceeds will go to Clowns Without Borders.

SPONSOR: Buy a sponsorship and they will send the Sock Monkey to someone in need of a smile.

BUY TREATS:  They have some super cute notecards and T-shirts for sale. (Check out the design below! How cute!)

DONATE: Donate straight up to Operation Sock Monkey or Clowns Without Borders.

All of these are great ways to support this super cute cause!  Are you a crafty person, who would like to make your own Sock Monkeys to send across the world to others?  Start your own operation to benefit Clowns Without Borders, or pick your own cause!

Visit their website to see how you can help!  Follow them on Twitter to see where they might turn up next!

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